Key to the Village Raffle

Stowe Rotary’s

Key to the Village Raffle

One of the Stowe Rotary’s most important fundraising events of the year to support scholarship awards for local high school students and many other charitable endeavors.

Tickets are $50 each.

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Price: $50.00
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First Prize

A Stowe Epic Ski Pass + Golf Membership at Copley Country Club

Second Prize

Swimming Hole Annual Membership

Third Prize

$500 cash to spend on your favorite Stowe shops!

Prizes are transferable!

Every ticket can be used for entry to the Key to the Village Stowe Community Party on Saturday, November 9th, 6:30 pm at Idletyme.

Stowe Rotary Key To the Village

How To Get Involved

Email us with questions, ideas, and to learn more about the organization.

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Rotary’s Four Way Test to Make Decisions


The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.


High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his/her occupation as an opportunity to serve society.


The application of the "Ideal of Service" by every Rotarian to their personal, professional, and community life.


The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the "Ideal of Service."