Stowe Rotary annually awards scholarships to seniors from Stowe High School and the Green Mountain Technical and Career Center in nearby Hyde Park. Awards are based on a combination of academic effort, academic achievement, community service, leadership and initiative and work experience. Students submit resumes and essays and we interview them to make our award decisions.
In addition, we award “Tools of the Trade” to the outstanding students in each of the ten career paths offered at the Tech Center—for example, chain saws to Forestry students or tablet computers to Business students.
Scholarship awards account for roughly two-thirds of all Stowe Rotary expenditures. Over the last five years $131,670 has been awarded for scholarships. In our opinion, it’s an investment in Vermont’s future and is money well spent.
In addition, Stowe Rotary has contributed over $42,357 to local and national charities.
Members of the Stowe Rotary participate in numerous volunteer activities. These include leading the effort to park cars at the concerts in the meadows every summer, staffing the Wheels for Warmth activity in Stowe, volunteering at the annual Stowe Derby cross country ski race, and participating in the annual town clean-up day in the spring.
2023 Employee Party at Spruce Camp
How To Get Involved
Email us with questions, ideas, and to learn more about the organization.
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Rotary’s Four Way Test to Make Decisions
The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his/her occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
The application of the "Ideal of Service" by every Rotarian to their personal, professional, and community life.
The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the "Ideal of Service."